Spartan Ruck Sack and Flex Fused Coreâ„¢ Soft Backpack Armor $208.99 Spartan Ruck Sack and Flex Fused Core™ Soft Backpack A…
VIKTOS Upscale 3 CCW Sling Bag and Flex Fused Coreâ„¢ Level IIIA Soft Armor Panel Package $213.74 $224.99 VIKTOS Upscale 3 CCW Sling Bag and Flex Fused Core™ Le…
Lightweight Armis IIIA Hard Body Armor and Spartan DL Concealment Plate Carrier $398.99 $419.99 Lightweight Armis IIIA Hard Body Armor and Spartan DL Concea…
Spartan Armor Systemsâ„¢ Flex Fused Coreâ„¢ IIIA Soft Body Armor and Spartan DL Concealment Plate Carrier $329.64 $346.99 Spartan Armor Systems™ Flex Fused Core™ IIIA Sof…
Executive Protection Shirt with Flex Fused Core Level IIIA Soft Armor Panels $404.69 $425.99 Executive Protection Shirt ARMOR PLATE CARRIER with Flex Fus…