Body Armor: The Basics
Body armor provides wearable protection for individuals in a variety of styles. There are two basic types of body armor: soft armor and plate armor. While no type of body armor is completely “bulletproof,” wearable armor is designed to withstand ballistic strikes from bullets to offer partial or complete protection under certain circumstances. Understanding the basics of body armor can help you determine which option is best for your needs.
Soft Body Armor
Soft armor is the type of body armor many people envision when they hear the words “bulletproof vest.” This type of armor is made from a material such as Kevlar; it is lightweight and flexible and can be easily worn underneath everyday clothing. Soft body armor is typically worn by law enforcement officers on a daily basis as a preventive measure, as it is designed to withstand a shot from a pistol or handgun. There are various ratings of soft armor, meaning that certain types of soft body armor will stop more forceful projectiles than others. Body armor can also protect the wearer from blunt force trauma to some degree.
Plate Armor
Plate body armor, or hard armor, is comprised of one or more plates that fit into a plate carrier, or vest. This type of body armor is thicker, heavier, and more highly-rated, meaning it can withstand projectiles from higher-powered weapons, such as rifles. The plates may be made from a variety of materials, including ceramic, steel, and polyethylene. Plate armor is typically worn by special law enforcement units and military personnel for protection, but it can be purchased and worn by civilians as well for many purposes, such as target practice and hunting. Like soft body armor, plate armor is also rated to reflect the force of the bullets it can stop.
The Target Man, LLC is proud to offer a wide selection of composite body armor and plate carriers to suit your needs. You can find out more about our armor products and shooting targets when you visit us on the web, or call (520) 396-3335 for personalized answers to your questions.